Article published on the observation of magnetic vortex rings
Using x-ray magnetic nanotomography, researchers have observed for the first time three-dimensional magnetic ‘vortex rings’ in a material, an observation that provides fundamental insight into the intricate nanoscale structures inside bulk magnets.

Such vortices were not expected to exist as a static magnetic configuration and their remarkable stability is likely due to the long range nature of magnetic dipolar interactions, which are very difficult to include in simulations of micron size magnetic systems. The work was carried out by the researchers from the Laboratory for Mesoscopic Systems in D-MATL, University of Cambridge, (UK) the Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering (Ukraine), the Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS in Moscow (Russia) and at the Paul Scherrer Institute.
The paper was highlighted at external page Nature Reviews Physics and in external page Physics World.
Original Publication:
Experimental observation of vortex rings in a bulk magnet
C. Donnelly, K. L. Metlov, V. Scagnoli, M. Guizar-Sicairos , M. Holler, N. S. Bingham, J. Raabe , L. J. Heyderman , N. R. Cooper , S. Gliga
external page Nature Physics 17, 316–321 (2021)