Review article “Advances in artificial spin ice” published in Nature Reviews Physics

Sandra Skjærvø and Laura Heyderman have co-authored a review article on artificial spin ice in Nature Reviews Physics.
Poster Prize

Jizhai Cui wins a best poster award at the MMM Conference in Las Vegas, November 2019
Article published on shape-morphing micromachines

Researchers from the Laboratory for Mesoscopic Systems in D-MATL, the Multi-Scale Robotics Lab in D-MAVT and at the Paul Scherrer Institute have developed a micromachine incorporating arrays of nanomagnets that can perform different actions. First the magnetic configuration of the nanomagnets is programmed and then the various movements are controlled by magnetic fields.
Group excursion in Weinfelden

For this year's group excursion we visited the paper production and recycling plant of Model AG in Weinfelden. We learned how the company recycles cardboard and paper to produce new paper rolls, as well as how these raw materials are processed for the production of boxes.
Article published on magnetic phase transition in artificial square ice

Researchers from the Mesoscopic Systems and at the Paul Scherrer Institute have combined their expertise to extend the applicability of the fundamental concepts of continuous phase transitions to mesoscopic magnetic systems.
Article published on new magnetic shape memory composite - including cover image

Researchers from the Mesoscopic Systems and the Soft and Living Materials groups in D-MATL and at the Paul Scherrer Institute have combined forces to develop a new material that is able to retain a given shape as soon as it is placed into a magnetic field.
Article published on nanomagnetic logic

Nanomagnetic logic, with dipolar-coupled single-domain magnets, has a high potential for implementation in low-power computation as well as for integration of data processing and memory in the same architecture. Here, the thermal relaxation paths associated with logic operations in artificial spin ice structures are considered, which involve switching of individual nanomagnets towards a low-energy state.
Article published on chirally coupled magnets

Researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Villigen and the Mesoscopic Systems and the Magnetism and Interface Physics groups have discovered a special phenomenon in magnets.
Presentation at APS March meeting 2019

Laura Heyderman gives a plenary presentation on Artificial Ferroic Systems at the APS March meeting 2019 (slides available).