Open Positions

Postdoctoral Positions

We are looking to hire Postdoctoral Researchers in the following fields:

Doctoral Projects

If you are interested in joining Mesoscopic Systems, please contact:

  • Ales Hrabec - Nanomagnetic Devices
  • Valerio Scagnoli - 3D Magnetic Systems & Ultrafast Magnetic Processes
  • Laura Heyderman - Artificial Spin Ice

Student Projects

New schemes for magnetic field-free magnetization switching
Download Detailed description (PDF, 265 KB)
Contact: Dr. Aleš Hrabec

Local engineering of magnetic and structural properties for next-generation data storage and processing
Download Detailed description (PDF, 943 KB)
Contact: Dr. Jeffrey Brock or Dr. Aleš Hrabec

You are encouraged to contact us for any bachelor or master projects available in the group.

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