OASIS 2023
Online Artificial Spin Ice Sessions (OASIS) is a platform to stimulate discussions within the field of artificial spin systems regarding the latest developments. Two invited talks are held once a month with 15 minutes of presentation and an equal amount of time for discussions.
Upcoming Events:
The next session of OASIS will be held on Monday, 18th December at 16:00 CET.
Speakers will be announced using the artificial spin ice mailing list.
Please inform if you want to be included.
Best wishes,
Gavin Macauley & Laura Heyderman
Past talks:
OASIS Dec. 18th, 2023 – María Alfonso Moro: Geometrical frustration, correlated disorder and emerging ordering in corrugated C60 monolayers
OASIS Dec. 18th, 2023 – Kilian Stenning: Controlling and Engineering Artificial Spin Ice for Neuromorphic Computation
OASIS Nov. 20th, 2023 – Lorena Niggli: Elemental Neodymium – discovery of a self-induced spin glass
OASIS Nov. 20th, 2023 – Ioan-Augustin Chioar: Toward geometrical engineering of Non-Ising building blocks: The Artificial Magnetic Tripod Ice
OASIS Oct. 23rd, 2023 – Claudio Castelnovo: Dynamical fractal and anomalous noise in a clean magnetic crystal
OASIS Oct. 23rd, 2023 – Arthur Penty: Evolving Music from a Self-Organising Nanomagnetic Orchestra