Dr. Valerio Scagnoli

After studying physics at Rome’s university La Sapienza, Valerio Scagnoli received his PhD degree in Natural Sciences at the ETH Zurich for his work focusing on competing phenomena occurring at metal-insulator transitions. After a three years Postdoc at the European Radiation Facility establishing complex magnetic ordering in a variety of materials, he moved to the Paul Scherrer Institute to pursue research on exotic order parameters and ultrafast experiments combining short laser and X-ray pulses. Since 2013, he is Senior Scientist in the Mesoscopic System group of Prof. Heyderman where he is responsible for the “ultrafast processes” scientific area.
Current Research Interests
- Ultrafast dynamics in magnetic materials and at metal-insulator transitions
- Effect of nanoscale confinement on ultrafast magnetization dynamics
- Diffuse magnetic scattering in bulk and nanostructured frustrated systems
- Developing new methods for X-ray 3D magnetic tomography
Publication List
Researcher ID: external page T-1355-2019
2019 - 2022
Member of the Petra III Synchrotron Peer Review Panel
2020 - present
Member of the Bessy II (HZB) Synchrotron Scientific Selection Panel
2018 - present
Member of the Advanced Light Source Proposal Evaluators
2015 - 2017
Member of the Diamond Light Source Peer Review Panel