Tianyue Wang

Tianyue Wang received his joint Master’s degree in Physics with Theoretical Physics from Imperial College London, UK in 2022. During his Master Thesis he simulated the dynamics of Artificial Spin Vortex Ices (ASVI) as well as their FMR spectra under sweeping magnetic fields, before training them by Ridge regression. The project aim was to build a simulation tool for different geometries of ASVI in reservoir computing, and was supervised by Dr. Will Branford. He joined the Laboratory for Mesoscopic Systems as a PhD student in October 2022.
Current Research Interests
Tianyue Wang focuses on the thermal annealed phase transition of multilayer Artificial Kagome Spin Ice (AKSI), which is imaged by x-ray photoemission electron microscopy. He is also interested in establishing low energy states of AKSIs with a large array size.