Susmita is awarded a poster prize

Congratulations to Susmita Saha for being awarded a poster prize at the International Conference on Complex and Functional Materials in December 2018
Article published on artificial magneto-toroidal crystals

In a collaboration between the Laboratory for Multifunctional Ferroic Materials (Manfred Fiebig, ETH Zurich) the Laboratory for Mesoscopic Systems (Laura Heyderman, ETH Zurich, PSI) and the Condensed Matter Theory Group (Peter Derlet, PSI), an exotic new type of magnetic order has been designed and controlled
Namrata and Sina are awarded poster prizes

Congratulations to Namrata Gurung and Sina Mayr for being awarded poster prizes at the PSI Condensed Matter Retreat in November 2018.
Presentation at JEMS 2018

Laura Heyderman gives a plenary presentation on Artificial Ferroic Systems at the Joint European Magnetic Symposia 2018 (slides available).
Goodbye Apero

September 2018 was time for us to say goodbye to Eugenie Kirk after 22 years at the Paul Scherrer Institute and six years in Mesoscopic Systems.
Article published on magnetoelectric inversion of domain patterns

In complex antiferromagnetic materials one can globally invert a spatially-inhomogeneous domain pattern using a single field sweep
Article published on an artificial 2D XY spin system

Using a combination of low-energy muon spin relaxation and resonant x-ray scattering, we showed that an ensemble of nanoscale magnetic disks, mimicking freely-rotating macrospins, displays a phase transition into an ordered state
Dissertation Awards

Claire Donnelly was awarded the SPS Award in Computational Physics, sponsored by COMSOL, and the Werner Meyer-Ilse Memorial Award
Graduation Day

Claire Donnelly and Oles Sendetskyi attend the PhD Graduation Ceremony at the ETH Zurich in January 2018. Many congratulations!