Dr. Flavien Museur

Flavien Museur received his Master’s degree in Fundamental physics from the ENS de Lyon in 2019, as well as a double degree in Engineering physics from the Polytechnic University of Milan. He then obtained his PhD from the Grenoble Alps University, working at the Néel Insitute under the joint supervision of Elsa Lhotel and Peter Holdsworth. His thesis revolved around the concept of magnetic fragmentation in Ising pyrochlores, studying the associated exotic magnetic transitions and exploring the phase diagram from both an experimental and theoretical point of view. He graduated in May of 2023, and joined the Laboratory for Mesoscopic Systems in February of 2024.
Current Research Interests
Flavien Museur focuses on new lattices for artificial spin ices, with the goal of tuning the competition between various orders and demonstrating the existence of a thermal phase transition to a partially ordered state. He is also interested in the slow dynamics of frustrated states, particularly close to a critical point.