X-​ray diffractometer Bruker D8 micro-​source


- X-​ray diffraction applications: reflectometry, high-​resolution diffraction, grazing incidence diffraction, small angle x-​ray scattering, residual stress and texture investigations

-  Montel optics (Göbel mirrors arranged side by side with a 90° angle to each other) with output beam size 2 mm x 2 mm. Flux density > 107 CPS/mm2

- 2 Bounce monochromator Ge022 aligned for Cu radiation. Typical beam divergence = 0.0085°

- Collimators: 2 mm, 1 mm, 0.5 mm, 0.3 mm

- Axial Soller slit, masks, slits and Ni filters for the incident beam

- Vertical Eulerian cradle: 2θ (-4° to 170°), Chi circle (-11° to 98°), Phi circle (unlimited), x- and y- translation (-40 mm to 40 mm), Z translation (2 mm). Maximum sample weight: 1kg, maximum sample height: 40 mm

- Double laser unit for alignment

- Pathfinder for diffracted optics with 3-​bounce Ge022 monochromator, variable slit and Soller slit

- Dynamic scintillation counter

- 1D detector with 0°/90° mount

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